Ms.Laurel Bain

Laurel Bain, is a former employee of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) where she served in various positions, including that of Deputy Director in the Research Department, Senior Director of the Statistics Department and Senior Director in the Governor’s Office. Ms. Bain has over 25 years of central banking experience and has undertaken economic assessments of countries and considerable research on fiscal policy and tax structures. She has worked extensively with the countries of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union, regional institutions, and international organisations and development agencies. During her career at the ECCB, Ms. Bain received the Governor’s award on two occasions for excellent and dedicated service. Ms. Bain has published books on fiscal policy and continues to write on economic and fiscal policy issues. Ms. Bain is an accredited Director and served as Deputy Chair of the Grenada Authority for the Regulation of Financial Institutions. Ms. Bain holds a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Masters of Science (M.Sc.) degrees in Economics from the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.

Every one of his works is covered with a mantle of sacredness, through which he demonstrates the importance of architecture as a means of expression of human memory. In 1998, he founded his own firm, Terris and Jaye, which grew into one of the nation’s largest political consulting firms. In 2006, he founded Storefront Political Media to provide political clients the full range of media and message services..


1979 – 1983

Master of Political Science

Columbia University, CL

1984 – 1987

UG Degree of Politics

University of Chicago School

1992 – 2004

Diplamo of Business Management

University of Business. NY

2004 – 2008

Higher School Education

School of Losangle

Professional Skills

Crisis Management
Public Speaking
Problem Solving
Strategy Planning

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 St. George Grenada. 

Monday ,Wednesday and Friday.9:00 am–1:00 pm 



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